Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Framework / IO (File Systems) / File Systems
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    File Systems
    In This Topic

    Each NFile and NFolder instance is connected to an instance of the NFileSystem class. It represents an implementation of a specific file system. You can obtain an instance of the NFileSystem class via the NFileSystem.Current static property - it returns the default (current) file system for the current integration platform. The following table summarizes the types of file systems returns for each integration platform:

    Platform File System
    WinForms A file system implementation that works with the Windows file systems.
    WPF A file system implementation that works with the Windows file systems.
    XamarinMac A file system implementation that works with the macOS file systems.
    Blazor A file system implementation that works with the browser local storage.

    Alternatively you can always create an in-memory file system via the NFileSystem.CreateMemoryFileSystem method.

    Once you obtain a reference to the NFileSystem of interest you can get files and folders from it via the GetFile and GetFolder methods.

    See Also